This contest idea came to me as a result of 1) being bored, 2) having nothing to look at but a big, hairy ass, and 3) noticing that Tony's tail dock resembled a heart (hint hint...) Upon checking a random sample of our other horses, I noticed several had very distinct tails. Now some of these will be easy peasey, especially for our employees. But the rest of you have a fighting chance of matching the name to the butt.
I've posted tons of pictures over the last three years, plus descriptions of some of our horses. So your job, if you choose to accept it, it to match the name with the horse's ass.
I've simplified it a bit; after all we have five blacks and five Belgians, so I'm keeping the numbers down by only including the horses that you, if you've been a regular reader and paid attention, should be able to identify.
Like I said, there are no prizes, just glory. You can either put your guess in the comments or email me at
Good luck. Have fun! See how your ass knowledge compares with those of others…







The above butts belong to the following horses, in no particular order:
Tony, Cisco, Charlie, Rex, Jerry, Bart, and Cleatus
1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»Ok ok...
#1, Cleatus
#2, Tony
#3, Rex
#4, Jerry
#5, Charlie
#6, Cisco
#7, Bart
you definitely should have just had us email so that those that aren't carriage drivers could make a guess without having carriage drivers give it away right off. 1- cleatus (new spelling?) 2 Tony thanks for the hint (as if anybody needed it) 3- Rex (I hated driving that dumpster diving crack horse during the Olympics) 4-Jerry (I preferred driving his team mate Ben) 5- Charlie (who could miss that dip in the butt?) 6- Cisco (by process of elimination, since I never drove him) 7- Bartman (It seems so lonely without his teammate and big sister)
OK - I'll play. My answers came out the same as Stacy's and BPA so won't bother to write them down again. If they "win", so do I. That's a great memory they have for horse's butts! How long has it been since either saw them in person?
Critter and Mr. BPA picked the same as me and did not even need a list to choose from until Jerry. Its really not fair that Bart had a glare. His grey was not very noticable:)
Very nice
I like horse butts
oh boy
I love animals
very much I really do
Cleatus is One THICC Boy!
So is Tony
Rex is one THICC Boy
So is Jerry
Charile is soooooo THICC
Look at his butt
cisco takes the cake
My baby boy
look at him and his butt
Bart has a great butt
I want it
I want it now!
Bart has a nice butt
I mean just look at it
OOO REX My Baby boy
I love you!
Ok I want all of their butts for myself!
I really do
I really do!
Rex I want you at my house
Jerry I want you
I really do
I love Charlie's butt! I mean look at it!
Cletaus you're my baby boy
*Scratches Charlie's butt*
WOW Charile you're a big THICC Boy
I love you Charlie
*Kisses his face*
Have you ever had a horse lick your butt?
it feels nice!
*Pats Charlie's butt*
You're a good boy Charlie and that's why I love you!
Man Rex You are a very good boy! You deserve a bum scratch!
*Scratches Rex's bum*
You've been a good boy!
You've have earned bum scratches!
*Scratches Bart's Bum*
Horse butts
That's cute
I mean very cute!
Look at Charlie's Butt
Holy cow!
I love butts!
I really do!
Boy oh boy!
Holy Crap
This is great
Hi Bartman!
oh hello
HI bart
I love you!
Oh my love
*Bart licks my pants*
Bart quit licking my pants
Just kidding keep licking my pants
I said Hey what's going on!
*Charlie licks my jeans*
*I blush*
Quit Licking my jeans!
*Charlie keeps on my licking my pants as I am working*
I mean jeans
*Charlie sniffs my jeans and he licks them*
*I ignore his tongue licking my jeans*
*Rex Joins in the licking fest*
*I Moan*
*I forgot I put apple treats in my Jean's pockets*
I put apple treats in my jeans's pockets
what I was I thinking!
I have an idea!
I'll let all of the horses lick my ass in my jeans!
*I say boys I got a treat for you*
*I stick my ass in my jeans out to them and they all start to lick it*
That feels good!
Keep going Boys!
I love it!
*The boys keep on licking my ass in my jeans*
you're tongues feel like sandpaper!
good boys!
keep licking my ass ink my jeans
good boys!
keep licking my ass in my jeans!
I'm waiting boys!
Do it!
Come On!
M is for mo!
I'm waiting boys!
Go on
Lick my jeans!
I'm Waiting!
Come on boys!
I'm still waiting!
Come on lick my jeans!
they taste great!
*The boys lick my jeans*
that feels good!
that feels really good!
this turns me on!
They like my ass in my jeans!
good boys!
I like you!
That tickles
keep going!
Oh Crap that tickles!
*The boys Keep licking my ass in my jeans*
Good Boys!
Keep going!
*A Yak licks my ass in my jeans*
that tickles
wow you're tongue is rough!
Man this is great!
really Great!
*Later that night at a nightclub*
*I was sitting at the bar with the yak bartender*
*And he gave me a beer*
*I drank my beer*
*as I was eating some chips*
*When the yak bartender was shaking his big bookcase butt as he was working behind the counter*
*I was drooling*
*and I wiped my face with a. rag*
*The yak bartender shakes his big bookcase butt for me*
*I Smile as I smack it with my hand*
*And I smile as I said Good boy*
*The yak bartender sticks his big bookcase butt out towards me and I smack it with my hand as I was smiling and I patted his big bookcase butt*
*he twerks it for me*
Good yak bartender!
keep twerking for me hun!
*the yak bartender keeps on twerking for me and his Big bookcase butt goes left to right*
good yak bartender
*I scratch his big bookcase butt*
Good boy that's a good boy!
I love this nightclub!
*the yak bartender shakes his big bookcase butt for me*
*as I placed my beer onto his big bookcase butt and he twerks with my beer on his big bookcase butt*
*He wiggles his big bookcase butt and my beer stays on his big bookcase butt*
*I am very happy*
*Until His helper came behind the counter of the bar*
*I smile as I patted his helper's bigger bookcase butt with my hand*
You're a good boy
A very good boy!
yes you are!
*I patted his bigger bookcase butt*
WOW You're butt is very soft!
very very soft
so I'm gonna stay here!
I guess
Oh Boy Hehehe
I'll stay here forever
Until I have to get to work
*Stays at the nightclub*
Oh boy!
this is great
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